Wednesday, November 7, 2007

swimming lessons

Over the summer, I decided I wanted to learn how to swim. Daddy goes to the pool every week and I thought...'if he can do it, I can do it!' So I talked to mommy and she said ok. "I read that pugs love to swim, and it is good exercise for you because you will not get too hot" She said. Mommy and daddy decided to take me to Haviland Pond, instead of the pool. Something about the chlorine not being good for me. Anyways...One warm summer day, we all went to the pond. I was scared. I had never been in deep water before! I dipped my toes in and decided to give it a shot. "Here I go...a little deeper...a little deeper...ok, nope...I can't do this! I am too scared!!!" Mommy quickly scoops me up. "Ah, safe in mommy's arms". But wait! She is waiding deeper into the water. Now we are pretty far from shore. Daddy comes close, just about a foot away. Mommy held me by my belly and told me to kick. Oh boy, did I kick! I splashed up a storm! Almost to daddy, almost there..almost....Oh no I am starting to sink!!!!! Daddy was quick to pick me up. "Hey Gus, good job buddy!" He said. I didn't think I did too well...I almost drown! (or so I thought. Turns out I was doing fine and would not have drowned. My loving parents were right there close to me). "Ok, Gus, swim to mommy!" and then daddy let go...paddle, paddle paddle, and I start to sink again, but mommy scoops me up. I never did learn to swim very far. I am heavy, like a brick. Maybe next summer...If I get up the nerve to go to the pond again!

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