Sunday, November 25, 2007

The gingerbread house contest

Let the contest begin! Mommy, daddy, and grandma started a new tradition. They each built a gingerbread house and are going to see who's house will stand the longest. Mommy got the idea from my friend Buddy's mom, Nola. This is me...looking at mommy's house. Her roof kept sliding off so she re-arranged the pieces and made the roof the walls, and the walls the roof. It is still standing, though. You can tell it is mommy's because of the "R" on the side. I better go investigate the other houses to see if they are still standing...
Here is grandma's house. Her's was definatly the prettiest. I cannot tell what is on the front, though. Stained glass windows? Bushes with christmas lights? Dog cookies? (Hey..I am a dog...I can wish). I really love her roof, though. Looks good enough to eat!
Last, but not least, is Daddy's. He got frustrated at one point and we all thought he was going to give up, but he came back with a vengence and built a wonderful house! The whole roof is covered in icing and I am so close I can smell the sugar! If no one was in the kitchen taking my picture, I would consider stealing the gumdrop wreath on the front door. I wonder why no one built a dog house?

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