Saturday, November 10, 2007

Jumping in leaves

Now that it is fall, I just love to jump in the leaves. When I get to go for long walks to the end of the road, I always make a point to be waist-deep in leaves! I am sure mommy will post photos of this soon. She is always like "Gus, Gus where are you???" And then I jump out of the pile "Here I am!!!" Mommy has me running quite a bit now. I can run 1/2 mile at a descent pace. If I go too fast, I get pooped, but if I stay slow with her, I can run far. I can't run with daddy, though. He is WAY to fast! Mommy can't even keep up with him. They say they are going to take me to the 5K races this winter in the snow. I may get to play with the other dogs while they race. That will be so much fun. I hope I get my 'paw protectors' before then...otherwise the snow will be cold on my toes (although I am not too sure about that...I have not seen snow in my lifetime...I am only 9 months old!).

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