Sunday, October 7, 2007

Pug social

I was a winner! I was a winner! I knew I was adopted by the right family. I got a medal like my mommy and daddy! Yipee!!! We got up this morning and drove out to Spencer,MA for the pug-social. I was super excited. When we pulled in and walked up to the registration tent I met another pug with my same name. He was all black. We sniffed and snorted for a bit and then mommy took me into the fairgrounds to mingle with more dogs that looked alot like me. I met soooooo many pugs! So many I cannot remember all of their names. I remember mocha and delila because we hung out alot. to my medal. I did not win fastest puppy like my parents had hoped. I was in with 6 month olds and they can sure run fast! It was fun to try, though. I won the pug-o-war. I competed in many heats because I kept winning (I knew running with mommy would pay off...I pull her down the road, so winning tug of war against another pup was easy). To clarify was tug-of-war, with a pug on each end of the rope. Our harnesses were attached to the rope and when they said "go" we each ran in opposite directions towards our owners. Mommy was jumping all around and yelling in a high pitched voice I couldn't help but run fast towards her. I also competed in the 'curliest tail' contest. I got into the top group of finalists, but did not win. Let me tell you...if you thought my tail was should have seen my competition!

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