Friday, October 26, 2007

"Calliing Dr. Gus"

"Wow! Look at me! Don't I look professional!" My daddy is a child and adolescent mental health counselor (and soon-to-be nurse), and my mommy is a surgical technologist. I think this is what they look like when they go to work. They were busy doing stuff around the house and I found these and decided to play dress-up. I feel so important! I wish I could go to work with them. They could sterilize me and I could accompany mommy to surgery, right? I could just sit there on her table and look cute. A pup can dream, can't he? As for daddy, he talks all the time about me coming for a visit to see the little kids at his hospital. Maybe I can dress up in my cool Halloween costume and say "bark or treat!" Speaking of Halloween costumes...only a couple more days until I reveal what I will dress up as. were the ones that made the decision for me, and I am excited to see what you picked.

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