Monday, October 22, 2007

One pooped puppy

What a day! Mommy had the day off and we were so busy. Since it was nice out and not too hot, she took me with her on all her errands. After a bunch of running around, we stopped at a familiar place. The same place we went to last week (the bookstore and petco). I was SUPER excited when the car came to a stop and I saw someone walking over to mommy's car...IT'S DADDY!!!!! I jump and sneeze and wag my tail non-stop. "Hey buddy!" I hear daddy say as once again sneeze in his face. They go into the bookstore again (what do they do in there, anyways? I am never allowed to go inside). A couple minutes later they come back with cups of something that is steaming. Smells similar to what they make every morning in the house. Whatever it sure makes them hyper! I think they call it coffee, but I am just a pup, so I could be wrong. I sit on their laps in the car as they chat before daddy has to go to work. They said they looked up the weather for their wedding day in an almanac and looks like maybe rain. How accurate is a book, anyways? I don't want my tux to get wet. I guess I could always hide under mommy's dress if it is raining. Her dress is big and poufy and hot pink (that's what she tells daddy). I know what it really looks like because when daddy is at work she wears it around the house. She told me not to write about her dress on here because daddy might read it, so I am sticking with the "hot pink" description. Ok...back to my busy day...after leaving the bookstore mommy took me to the Holyoke resevoir to go for a walk. It was so nice out! Mommy needs to learn how to slow down, though. She is a fast walker. Got a good workout, though, and now I am pooped! I love to go for long walks with mommy and daddy. Actually I love going for walks with anyone. I am excited for when mommy and daddy go on their honeymoon in Italy because I get to stay with grandma and grandpa, and they have a house by a state park with lots of hiking trails. I hope grandpa takes me on lots of walks in the woods. That would be super fun!

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