Wednesday, October 3, 2007

counting down the days

Good morning! (or rather, "woof!"). I am counting the days until Sunday. I am meeting up with other pugs in MA and am sooooo excited! Mommy is taking me shopping at my favorite store (Petco) on Thursday to pick out a new outfit. I personally like the fleece vest we saw there last time. Maybe if I park my butt right in front of it and refuse to move, she will buy it for me. Even though I love Petco, I get a little nervous when we go there. I avoid getting my nails clipped by mommy and daddy by wiggling around so they cannot hold onto me (a little crying doesn't hurt either), so they give up. However, they discovered Petco clips nails. The ladies there are so nice to me, but they gang up and clip my nails. My tactics do not work with them. I always end up walking out with shorter nails than when I came in. It is usually not as bad as I make it out to be, but I still put up a fight when we walk towards that grooming door at the store. I hope we are really going to Petco to get a new outfit, and it is not a trick...

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