Friday, October 26, 2007

Banter between Boys

A conversation between two boys...

Gus:"Hey daddy! what is that thing in the bag you brought home from the store?"

Daddy: "I don't know, Gus, what do you think it is?"

Gus: "Well, I suppose it could be toilet paper. But, maybe it is a treat for your favorite pug in the whole wide world"

Daddy: "Gus, you are the only pug in my world."

Gus: "Details, details, daddy. Tell me what is in the bag!"

Daddy: "Well, Gus, what would you do if it was a Bark Bar?"

Gus: "I would totally stop chasing cats for, like, half a day. And I promise to stop putting my tongue in your ear."

Daddy: "And I think mommy would like it if you stopped trying to eat her hair"

Gus: "Don't push it, daddy, I already promised to stop chasing the cats"

Daddy: "Alright, Gus, I will give you a little bit, just a taste."

Gus: " Thanks daddy! it is ooooooooooooooooh soooooo tasty! Oh so nice! So good!"

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