Sorry I have not written in awhile. I have been recovering from my surgery. Don't worry...I am doing just fine. Let me take you back in time a couple of days.....
Monday night-
Where is my food? All the food in the house was missing. The water, too.
"Gus," everyone kept saying, "you cannot have anything to eat or drink after 6pm. Doctors orders."
Doctors orders??? I thought to myself. Whatever that means.
Tuesday- Mommy's alarm went off soooooooo early. I did not want to get out of bed, but then she said the magic words,
"Gus wanna go for a ride in the car?"
BOING! My head shot up, I then stood up, and ran all around. I love to go for rides in the car! Strange that it is so early, though.
We went outside and got into the car. I had never been in the car so early in the morning. It was still dark out. I was still sleepy, so I proceeded to take a nap while mommy drove.
After what seemed like a blink of an eye (I was sleeping, I guess it really took about an hour), we were in a parking lot outside of a big building. We got out of the car and headed inside. Once inside I recognized where we were...A VET!!!!!
Oh no! Gotta get out, gotta get out! I sniffed around looking for an exit. Mommy talked to one of the ladies telling them why she was there. Then she said the words no dog wants to hear. Neuter. Oh no! not my balls! Mommy picked me up to comfort me while she continued to talk to the lady. I started to shake.
"It's ok, Gus. They are going to take really good care of you. Mommy is not leaving you. I will be back. It's ok." She kept saying over and over.
" You can head in to one of the rooms on the right. Any room is fine. Then someone will be in to see you." the nice lady said.
We walked into a room. Mommy tried to put me on the exam table but I would not let her. I wrapped my paws around her neck and held on. She must have known I was scared because she kept holding me, petting me and comforting me. Soon a man came in and wanted mommy to sign a consent form. She tried to put me down again. This time I took my paw and got it tangled in her sweater in order to stall. She got it untangled, though and put me down. She signed, off came my collar, on came a new one.
Hey, wait! why is the man holding the leash and not mommy?
"Be a good boy, Gus. It's ok, mommy will be back tommorrow to pick you up. " and with that said, mommy started to walk down the hall as the man tried to get me to walk the other way. Tried is the key word. I put on my four-paw breaks and strained my head to look to where mommy was going. But she was gone.
I was brought back to a spot that reminded me of my crate at home, but without the fleecey blanket and snuggly pillow. I was sad. I missed my mommy and daddy.
*Everything that happened after that was a blur. I went to sleep with my balls, I woke up and there were none.*
Wednesday- I napped on and off throughout the morning until a nice lady came in to get me.
I wonder where I am going now? I thought. She carried me into a room and guess what?!?!?!?!? MOMMY WAS THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She handed me over to mommy and I was so happy. My tail kept wagging and wagging and wagging. I knew she would come back! Just like she said she would!
The nurse gave mommy instructions and told her my stiches were absorbable and I would not have to come back to get them removed (that was nice to hear). We walked outside so I could pee and then got in the car. We sat in the parking lot for a bit while cuddling.
"Gus, I missed you so much," mommy kept saying.
I missed you, too, mommy.
"Gus, wanna go see daddy? We might be able to make it to his work in time for when he gets there."
Of course I did! When she saw my tail wag she took that as a yes, so that's what we did. Unfortunatly we were not going to make it in time, so we stopped to get coffee (one for daddy too!) because he said he could sneak out in a half hour or so to see us. When I saw daddy-it totally made my day! Both my parents were so happy to see that I was ok, and I was so happy to see them. (If you ask me...i think they are a little attached. Their lives seem to revolve around me. Not that I am complaining!)
Mommy and I then headed home so I could rest. I headed into my crate (where I love to nap...the door is always kept open so I can go in and out as I please). I spent the rest of my day recovering from my ordeal.