Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A ride in the car

"Gus, wanna go for a ride in the car?" I hear from the other room.

"Yipee! I love to go for rides in the car. I wonder where we are going?" I thought.Mommy, daddy and I piled into the car and off we went. It was a warm day (compared to what the temp has been lately), so daddy opened the window and let me hang my head out so I could feel the breeze in my face. I loved it!

Soon we pulled up to a store and daddy got out.

"I will wait for you in the car so I can hang out with Gus", mommy said to daddy. Off he went. He got further and further away, until he went inside.

I waited. I waited some more. Even more. Where is daddy and why is he taking so long??? All I could do is sit there and stare at the store enterance and hope he would come back soon. I love mommy, but daddy is 'The best daddy' of all time! I barked at a few pedestrians, all the while looking for my daddy to emerge from the store.

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