Wednesday, August 20, 2008

those mean kittys!!

I figured out where the cats go to get away from me. There is a thing called a "doggy door" on the door that goes from the kitchen to the garage. Well, I finally figured out how to climb through it and follow the cats out into the garage. They are being quite mean, though. I do not know how to get back into the house. I think it is through the same door, but I just don't know.

So there I was, chasing the cats around the house in my usual fashion, when they bolted out the doggy door. Out I went too. Then, in the blink of an eye, they ran through the door again and back into the house. I was stuck! I could not go back through the door. I sat on the garage floor by the doggy door and wimpered and cried until mommy and daddy opened the door and let me back into the house. Wouldn't you know, the cats were sitting right there on the other side of the door laughing!!! It was a setup! They knew I could not get back into the house, so they lurred me into the garage because they knew I would be stuck out there! I cannot decide if the cats are mean, or just really smart...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Gus
I hate to tell you this but that is a Kitty door, only cats are suppose to use it........
Grandma Roberts