Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Green Eggs and What??

I was performing my daily surveilance of the perimeter today, mostly to check on my brothers Bailey and skippy and to check for any wayward Dingos, and I saw a new book in what is becoming my sister Grace' room. I am no stranger to literature, but this book was an entirely different genre to me!! Now, I love a good story, among my favorites are Casabarka, The Wizard of Gus, The Dingos of Wrath, and The Silence of the Pugs; however, this new novella really opened my eyes. The title of this great work of fiction is Green Eggs and Ham and let me tell you now, this Dr. Seuss fella is onto someething!! The Sam-I-Am character has such depth and complexity. The twist in which the disgruntled main character, who would not eat the green eggs and ham with a mouse or in a house, he would not eat them here, he would not eat them anywhere, turns out he actually WOULD eat them with a mouse in a house. Imagine, he would eat them HERE and THERE!! He would eat them anywhere!! An incredible read!!

Grace will be very lucky to have this story read to her every night, if only daddy wouldn't trip up over the words all the time . . .

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