Thursday, March 13, 2008

my new friend

"Gus, wanna go to Petco? Wanna go for a ride in the car? Buh-byes?" I hear mommy saying.
"Come on, Gus, lets go buh-byes!" daddy chimmed right in.
Yipee! I get to go for a ride in the car!!!!! My favorite!
After a short ride we pulled up to Petco. I was so excited! We went inside and walked around a bit, then headed towards the dreaded grooming door.
Oh no! I thought, not my nails! But I was too late. Already in the door, daddy scooped me up and told the lady I was in dire need of a nail clipping.
"It says here in his chart that he needs to be held to get his nails clipped" the lady said
"Yeah," daddy replied, "he is quite a squirmer"
"All pugs are like that" the lady stated.
Did you hear that???All pugs don't like to get their nails clipped! It's not just me! It's genetic!
So daddy proceeds to hold me in his arms, while mommy pets me and tells me it's ok. All the while the lady is clipping my nails, one paw at a time.
In the photo above, I saw another pug at the groomers. Well, at least I thought I did. Turns out it was my reflection!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Gus...

Try to think of tht dreaded Petco visit as a paw-dicure, not nail clipping.

Maybe next time you can have your nails painted a nice Red Sox red. Ask your daddy!

Love... grandma