Saturday, March 22, 2008

a trip to see great grandma

I took a trip to Rhode Island with daddy and grandma to see great grandma at her nursing home. I was so excited when I found out. Grandma thought I should dress up in my red polo shirt, because LM (aka great grandma) can see me better with the red shirt. It turned out to be chilly out, so I was happy to have the shirt on.
When we got there, daddy walked me into the building. All the nurses said "hi" to me and greeted me with a pat on the head. I sniffed about, until I came across some familiar faces...LM and Lydia!!! I climbed the chair, put my paws on the table, and greeted them.
"Hi Lydia and LM!" I barked. Lydia said hi and LM turned to look at me.........
"Hey!!!" she said, "it's that cute dog with the curly tail!" after she realized who I was she was all smiles! And she LOVED my red shirt! I am so glad grandma picked it out for me.

Daddy and everyone sat around and talked, while I took turns sitting on everyones laps. I said hi to all the patients that love dogs. I think I made their day. They all seemed kinda sad until I gave them some pug kisses, then they were all smiles. Mommy and daddy keep talking about getting me certified as a pet-therepy dog at their hospitals...I think it would be a great idea. I love people and the more people to pet me, the better!

Soon it was time for me to go home..."Bye, everyone! Love you!" I said on my way out to the car to go for the long ride home.

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