Saturday, December 8, 2007

Trip to the store, I saw santa!!!

"Mommy can I help you with the grocery bags?"
Today was great! I went to Petco to see Santa! He was in a red suit and had a big beard. Well, first, this morning I called my cousin, Ally (3 1/2 years old)...
"Ally, Ally! Guess what??? I am going to see Santa today!" I told her over the phone. I did not expect the response I got.
"NNNooooooo!!!! I am going to see Santa today!" she cried. "How will I see Santa if he is up there?" (I live in MA, she lives in CT). At that point she handed the phone off to her mommy and I heard her crying.
"Ally, it's ok! Santa will come see you when he is done up here! I promise!" I tried my best...I am a pug...I forgot how the mind of a 3 year old human works. My mommy got on the phone and talked to Ally and made it all better.

So off to Petco. I was scared of Santa when I saw him. We were first in line and so we didn't have to wait. It took 3 tries to take my picture with santa. I would post it on here, but Santa seems to be a little low on technology and it is a poloroid, so it is not loadable to the internet. In the photo, I am sitting on the floor in front of him, not in his lap. I was quite the wiggle worm.

I saw mommy buy some treat-type items. We also picked out christmas gifts for the cats. We met lots of dogs and I got to play with some. It was fun!

We headed out to Stop and Shop on the way home. Mommy had to run in for a minute to grab some stuff. I guess she forgot about the bags from Petco in the backseat. They sat there in plain sight. I hoped right to the backseat and dove into the bag. By the time mommy got back to the car, I had the "surprise" christmas toys and treats all over the car.

"Mommy, can I help you with your bags?" I said, as I peered over the back seat.

"Gus, I think you did enough helping with the Petco bags. Thank you, though." mommy replied.

We drove home so mommy could spend the afternoon baking christmas cookies. Maybe I can help...

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