Friday, January 11, 2008

Duck Hunting

As I approached the top stair I glanced down...I knew what was downstairs. It was hiding behind the living room chair. It was green, brown, and gray with a yellow beak. I was going duck hunting. I slowly made my way down, one stair at a time. Slowly.......slowly..... the duck is still in it's same spot. I get to the bottom step. I make a quick dash to the coffee table, hoping my prey has not seen me and flown away. Just my luck! The duck is still there. I crouch down low and shuffle over to the chair. Pow! I pounce on it as though I am a real hunting dog!
"I got it! I got it! I caught the duck!" I yelled.
Wait a minute...the duck is not moving. I have been tricked! This is not a real duck! It is a stuffed toy made to look like a duck!
Oh, well, I still had a great time on my duck hunt!

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